[Okay. I've decided to try and clear-up one of Dave Diamond's editor
un-friendly articles for you Kei. I even edited the puctuation and
stuff! ..... Never again! :) - BB/TrF]
I am honoured to write this article as I felt that Benny Hill was my
role model and if he wasn`t around in the many times in which I needed
cheering up I would not have been able to be what I hope I am to you
today... a man that can always provide a few giggles and laughs.
Benny Hill is without question one of Britain's greatest comedians and
inventors of original and ground-breaking comedy. Benny Hill`s real name
was Alfie Hill first got into acting because of his love for stage plays
in his home town of Southampton in the early thirties.
[Sorry, but I HATE Benny Hill. Why? Because now all the other
countries around the world think that all our comedy is like the shite
that Benny Hill churned out. Oh, they also think Benny Hill is our
ONLY "comedian". - BB/TrF]
Through-out his career, Benny has been a milkman, stage hand, double
act, editor, singer, actor, radio entertainer and of course comdey
[What does it mean if someone keeps jumping in and out of jobs? -
Benny`s father known as the "captain" ruled with a very iron first in
the fact that he didn`t want his two sons growing up to be bone idle and
have no prospects for a decent career. [Well, I bet Benny's dad
would've been disappointed - BB/TrF]
Benny Hill invented comedy routines that we take for granted today such
as appearing on screen as a number of different characters at once, &
using the matt technique to create bizarre and extremly well produced
art work. [Huh? - BB/TrF]
Ben had a younger brother called Leonard who was at first Benny`s comedy
man in a double act with Benny being the straight man.
The crowd liked Benny more so Leonard moved on as an adviser before
taking his career choice as an English teacher.
Even though Benny seemed an out-going person, this is far far from the
truth as Benny like so many other comdedians was incredibly shy, on one
occasion where he was stopped in his directors car along side his
lifelong director and friend Dennis Kirkland, Benny got out of the car,
walked down the road and stopped and hung his head, almost like a
naughty school boy.
Benny`s naughty schoolboy humour was always aimed at the ladies of the
show and despite many people thinking that old Ben was homosexual this
idea is quite propostorous as Benny wined and dined many women in his
lifetime which he admired and loved dearly. He proposed to a few girls
but never got married.
Benny always took rejection to heart and nothing could cheer him up
whenever this occured, so Benny turned to creating masterpieces of
It was at this point that Ben became a workaholic and spent hour upon
hour in his modest home writing sketch after sketch.
The BBC originally had the rights to the first few episodes of The Benny
Hill Show but foolishly dumped him. ITV had the good sense to take over
this gem of a show and screened it for as long as it would go on. The
show went straight to the number 1 position knocking Coronation Street
from the top with a staggering 21 million viewers. The show carried on
this winning formula for years on end until a new manager at ITV decided
that the show was now old hat and should be replaced...what a mug he
was. Thank god there are still episodes of his fine work available in
the ITV archives, so lets hope they show them all again very, very soon!
Many celebrities have found the humour of Benny Hill so great that they
invite him to their homes for parties and get togethers, such notable
celebs include Hugh Hefner the playboy king, Burt Reynolds, Dom Deluise
and even Michael Jackson!
Benny`s dream came true one day when his greatest role model Charlie
Chaplin praised his work, his son Ben Chaplin wrote to Benny and told
him how much his father had enjoyed his work and always admired his
skill and imagination.
To Benny this was a dream come true as his role model was admiring HIM!
Even though Benny made a fortune in sales of his TV shows and albums, he
never needed any money, people would offer him free food in
retaurants, wine in pubs and apart from that he never wanted a glamourous
lifestyle with cars, lots of houses and a huge wardrobe of clothes.
Benny said it best when he quoted "I can only wear one pair of trousers
at a time, drive one car at a time, so why should I need so many?"
Benny`s lifestyle was quite simple from what you would expect a 64
millionaire to be living like, he lived in a cosy bungalow, had one TV,
an editing machine and a record collection - those were his only hobbies
and interests.
Bob Todd and Benny Hill got on famously as a team, the only problem they
had was whenever either of them appeared in drag - they would burst into
laughter at the sheer sight of it.
Because Benny Hill is such a perfectionist he hates to get things wrong,
so Bob, not to disappoint Benny always bit his tounge when-ever he felt
like laughing. Benny was the same except that he always had a small
nail file in his hands and whenever he felt like laughing he would poke
himself. By the time the sketch had finished he came off the set with
bloody hands.
Benny also worked with On The Buses star Reg Varney in his early years,
Reg tells us that Benny was the straight man in their double act and
that he always had him in stitches. He said that one time Benny had to
cover for someone else and did a stand up spot without any prior
knowlege or material. Benny completed the role superbly and when he
went back stage Reg asked how it went to which Benny simply fainted in
Reg`s arms.
People all over the world love Benny, from right here in the UK to
Japan, America and even Australia.
I felt that Benny's TV show where he was in New York in 1992 was a bit
stale compared to his usual shows and that the "spark" seemed to have
deserted him for that particular season.
Many people ask where Ben got the idea for the Hills Angels from, well
when he was younger he always used to sneak into the burlesque shows
where young ladies danced the can-can and danced beautifully. Ben
always knew that pretty girls that danced and moved gracefully attracted
customers so he brought this knowlege to the TV world.
Benny also stared in some motion pictures like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang &
The Italian Job.
He also made adverts, went to charities but never informed the press to
let them know about it.
It was rumoured that Benny left his millions to a disabled girl that he
loved, she had always rejected him from a simple date to even marriage.
I remember the day that I was sitting in my armchair in the year of
1992, to read the front cover of The Sun newspaper front page that Benny
Hill had died.
It was one of those moments I shall never forget, I dropped the
newspaper and felt a great loss for myself and for the whole world. I
felt as if I had lost a part of myself, my mentor if you will. I cried
that night as I`m sure so did many others.
After the years that followed, nothing could ever replace Benny Hill's
blend of burlesque fun, Freddy Starr emulated Benny to an appaling and
frankly embarrassing degree, the world had lost it`s founder of
imaginative and witty creativity.
The world shall never know of another Benny Hill, sure many will try to
impersonate his style and humour and may get a few laughs from a fresh
audience but they will never be able to emulate the personality and
charisma that only one man has.... the saucy boy Benny Hill.
[It appears that you like all that "naughty boy" humour, and you find
things like Men Behaving Badly "disgusting". It's no wonder you love
Benny Hill. And I don't. He used to get chased by loads of girls, and
he never once grabbed any of them by the arse-cheeks and screamed "You
slaaaarg, I'm gonna poke you like the fat donkey you are!! Seend ouuut
thhheee Spunk Squad!". Sorry if I offended you Dave, but you don't like
Chlo Annett, and I don't like Benny Hill. Y'see, Chlo is the best
ever actress on the planet and she is probably THE SEXIEST FEMALE I HAVE
EVER SEEN! Ahhhh... that mouth, that laugh, that face, those eyes,
them bumps... I feel a "Ode to Chlo" article coming on ..... -
[Yeah, but that doesn't give you the right to rip Dave's article to shreds,
I have removed loads of your comments, just leave them alone in future! D!]
[Is it me or is someone definetly getting their mitts on these articles
before they get to me and adding comments? Now if you wanted to be an
official Word editor that would be another matter.. Kei]